2014 - 2019 | Stage Design in Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
2016 - 2017 | Erasmus exchange in Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera in Milan
2022 - 2024 | Interior Design in Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
Costume design
Set and stage design
Interior design
„As Long As In The Heatr, Within” dir. Roman Schumunov |costume design| 2021
„Chłopi” dir. Dorota Kobiela | costume designer assistant| 2021
„7 faktów” dir. Piotr Matejkowski |short movie| costume design | 2020
„Ciemno, prawie noc” dir. Borys Lankosz | interior design decorations of Adam Ryba house| 2019
„Planeta Singli 3” dir. San Akina i Michał Chaciński | costume designer assistant | 2019
„Chłopcy z motylkami” dir. Marcin Filipowicz |short movie | costume design | 2018
„Whatever Happens Next” dir. Julian Porksen | costume design| 2018
„Akt drugi” dir. Michał Materna |school etude| costume design| 2015
Maria Peszek "Ave Maria" dir. Grajper | costume designer assistant | 2021
Pro8l3m "A2" dir.Piotr Matejkowski | costume design | 2021
Baasch x Kacperczyki "Sportowa Warszawa" dir. Tymon Nogalski i Dawid Misiorny |costume design | 2020
Otsochodzi x Rosalie x Oki „Wszystko co mam” dir. Piotr Matejkowski | costume design | 2019
Schafter „Hot Coffee” dir. Grajper | set design | 2019
The Dumplings x Mary Komasa „Jestem kobietą” dir. Piotr Matejkowski | set & costume design | 2018
Probl3m „Flary” dir. Piotr Matejkowski | costume design |2018
Ramona Rey „Kim być/Seneka” dir. Bartosz Brzeziński | set & costume design |2017
„iLEMm” dir. Aleksandra Bielewicz | costumer and stage design| 09.2021
„Badania ściśle tajne” dir. Iwan Wyrypajew, Teatr Telewizji | costumer designer assistant | 21.09.2021
„Uszedłem tylko ja sam” dir. Agnieszka Glińska, Teatr Dramatyczny | costumer designer assistant | 25.06.2021
„Incognito” dir. Kamila Straszyńska, Teatr WarSawy | stage & costume design | 26.06.2020
"Góry Parnasu" dir. Aleksandra Bielewicz, "Nowe Formy Teatru" - Mazowiecki Instytu Kultury (MIK) | stage & costume design | 19.11.2019
„Zabiłam moją matkę” - performative reading dir. Daria Kopiec, Hungarian Institute in Warsaw | stage & costume design | 2017
- „Don Giovanni” dir. Daria Kopiec, Teatr Collegium Nobilium | stage & costume design | 2017
- „Beauty Box” dir. Sebastian Królikowski, Teatr Warsawy | stage & costume design | 21.05.2016
- „Sinobrody. Zemsta kobiet” dir. Marcin Zbyszyński, Teatr Baza | stage & costume design | 4.05.2016
- „A wszystko przez nią” - performative reading, dir Daria Kopiec, Theatre Academy in Warsaw | stage & costume design | 14.05.2016
- „Lear's Daughters” dir. Daria Kopiec, Theatre Academy in Warsaw; Teatr w Oknie - Shakespeare Festiwal in Gdańsk; Artokraina Festival in Sankt Petersburg; European Young Theatre Festival – Festival dei Due Mondi Spoleto | stage & costume design | 2016-2017
- „Hamlet” dir. Macin Zbyszyński, Teatr w Oknie – Shakespeare Festiwal in Gdańsk | stage & costume design | 07.2016
Coming Out, Najlepsze Dyplomy | 29.11-15.12.2019
Innovative Costume of the XXI Century: The Next Generation, International exhibition of costumes | 5.06-25.08.2019 Moscow, Russia
President of Warsaw Scholarship in faculty of culture and art 2017/2018
+48 692 981 319